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Dr. Maria Hoernke


Group Leader

alternative afiliation:

Department of Physical Chemistry

Von-Danckelmann-Platz 4

D-06120 Halle (S)

phone: +49 345 5525 807

Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmacy
Hermann-Herder-Strasse 9
D-79104 Freiburg i. Br.

Phone: +49 761 203 6343
Fax: +49 761 203 6366

eMail: Maria Hoernke

Room no.: 03 005 A




We are a young, interdisciplinary team in biophysical chemistry and connected to the department of pharmaceutics at Freiburg University and department of physical chemistry at Halle University. We collaborate with groups in Freiburg, Prague, Halle, Leipzig, Jena, Erlangen, Bayreuth, Vienna, Shanghai.

We work with lipid membranes and membrane-active peptides, polymers, or proteins. Using microcalorimetry, time-correlated fluorescence spectroscopy, monolayers, and other biophysical methods, we investigate the selectivity of antimicrobial polymers or pH-reponsive polymers designed for enhanced endosomal escape for different lipid membranes.
We measure and model membrane permeabilization, characterize the interactions of biomimetic compounds, and reach out to microbiology.

Themen für Abschlussarbeiten

Wir bieten Themen für Abschlussarbeiten an. Motivierte KandidatInnen melden sich gerne bei Maria Hoernke. 



02-2024 Maria is invited to the german meeting of the Controlled Release Society and also presents at the Freiburg Macro Colloquium.

Habilitation presentation: the last step to venia legendi.

11-2023 Annika wins one of the Poster Flash Talk Awards and Maria presents at the czech Biophysics and Electrochemistry meeting in Prague.
 11-2023 Katharina presents at the FAF meeting in Freiburg.
10-2023 Annika and Maria travel to Prague for GUV miscroscopy. Let's hope for conclusive data.
10-2023 Welcome to Bjarne for his Diploma project about archaeal lipids.
08-2023 Welcome to Annika for her MSc project about pH-sensitive polymers.
08-2023 Katharina and Maria present posters at the EBSA meeting in Stockholm
06-2023 The group has now two afiliations: Freiburg and Halle Univeristy. The Halle team is associated to the RTG 2670 BEAM Beyond Amphiphilicity.
 2023 The DFG funds our project about pH-sensitive membrane permeabilization
03-2023 Our paper about the bias of PG/PE model membranes towards leaky fusoon is out:
03-2023 Maria presents at the GEM meeting.
09-2022 A talk and posters at the german biophysics meeting.
09-2022 Shuai defends her PhD thesis! 3 papers. Great success. Congratulations Dr. Shi!
09-2022 Our paper on Leaky membrane fusion is out. Including a Leakage Protocol.
  Maria contributes to a review about calcein-based assays for endosomal escape
05-2022 Katharina and Maria talk at the Biomembrane Meeting in Drübeck
05-2022 Shuai and Maria talk at the AC21 Meeting in Strasbourg
02-2022 Our paper on a fusogenic antimicrobial polymer is out.
  Our paper about antimicrobial polycations is out. More than Leakage.

Stefanie defends her Diploma project very succesfully. Congratulations. A manuscript is planned.


Our 3 posters are discussed lively at the European Membrane Meeting EJTEMM.


Janina joins us for a project. Welcome!


Anja joins us for a project. Welcome!


Stefanie joins us for her Diploma project. Welcome!


Kartharina joined us for her PhD project. Welcome!


The German Membrane Biophysics Meeting was a success! Thank you everyone who contributed.


Anja defends her PhD Thesis very succesfully. Congratulations Dr. Stulz!


Our paper on lipid selectivity appears in Lagnmuir.


Ndjali finishes his Master: Models for Vesicle Leakage and Binding Experiments on Lipid Vesicles


Ndjali joins us for a project. Welcome!


DFG funds our project about Selectivity in Membrane Permeabilization for 3 years.


We are happy to welcome Shuai for her PhD project and Annika for her practical term!


Anja wins another Poster Award. Well done!


Anja wins a Poster Award. Congratulations!


Our paper about Quantified Membrane Permeabilization is out.
ACS Nano


The Daimler & Benz Foundation supports our research on lipid clustering for two years.


Current research

We are interested in membrane biophysical chemistry in relation to membrane-active compounds for diverse therapeutical applications or for biochemical knowlegde.



Dr. Maria Hoernke studied chemistry at the Martin-Luther-Universität in Halle (Germany) and at Universidad de Burgos (Spain). She specialized in physical chemistry and biophysics.

Her Diploma thesis focused on the interactions of peptides with lipid model membranes and was carried out in 2007/2008 in Halle(S.). For her PhD project, Maria moved to the interfaces department of Max-Planck-Institute of Colloids and Interfaces in Potsdam (Germany) to study the impact of interfaces on amyloid formation of peptides. After receiving her PhD in 2012, she joined the Theory & Bio-Systems department of the same MPI to complement the project with molecular dynamics simulations as a Postdoc. In 2013, Maria joined Göteborgs Universitet (Sweden). She won a Marie Curie IEF fellowship in order to use time resolved X-ray solution scattering to study conformational changes in photoreceptor proteins. She also investigated structural changes in membrane associated proteins by infrared spectroscopy. 2015 Maria moved to Freiburg to help establishing the Heerklotz group. The Daimler and Benz foundation contributed funding and since 2019 Maria raises funding for her own team from the DFG. In 2023, the team got split to Freiburg and Halle University.

Maria was speaker of the section 'Membrane Biophysics' of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Biophysik e.V.


List of publications

Research topics 

  • biophysics of lipid membrane models
  • peptide-membrane interactions
  • permeabilization of lipid membranes
  • antimicrobial activity
  • lipid selectivity
  • conformational changes and orientation of mebrane-bound, surface-bound and soluble proteins or peptides
  • surface-sensitive biophysical methods



  • fluorescence spectroscopy (TCSPC, FRET, etc.)
  • infrared spectroscopy (including infrared reflection-absorption spectroscopy)
  • microcalorimetry (differential scanning calorimetry, isothermal titration calorimetry)
  • monolayer methods
  • X-ray solution scattering (SAXS/WAXS, time-resolved X-ray scattering)
  • UV/VIS spectroscopy
  • circular dichroism
  • dynamic light scattering

Monolayer techniques

  • infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy (IRRAS)
  • grazing incidence X-ray diffraction reflectometry (X-ray and neutrons)
  • total reflection X-ray fluorescence

Computational methods

  • basic knowledge in MD simulations


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